"Many hands make light work." Little League teams need volunteer support from each player's family. Please volunteer to help your player's team in one of the roles described below.
A couple of the jobs sometimes scare people off (for example, scorekeeper and umpire), but Redmond West provides great training and support and there are some good perks (scorekeepers get a dry booth; umpires get a free meal after the game). Experienced scorekeepers are often available to help mentor new scorekeepers while they are getting started. And new umpires can sign up to be the field umpire and work with a more experienced umpire when they are starting out. Ideally, each team would have 2-3 scorekeepers and 2-3 umpires, which keeps the per-person workload down.
The team manager is the primary point of contact for the team, coordinates all team activities, and ensures that parents follow RWLL policies and the rules of the game. The manager makes sure information is shared with parents via email/apps, receives information from the RWLL board, makes sure background checks are completed, attends 2-3 meetings, and generally ensures the needs of the team are met. The manager may or may not also be the team's head coach. The manager does NOT necessarily need to have baseball knowledge but should be organized and communicative. Interested volunteers must apply for this role and be approved by the Board.
Head Coach
The head coach coordinates the educational activities of the team (practices and games) and is responsible for ensuring that players follow RWLL policies and the rules of the game. The head coach typically handles "on-field" activities such as line-ups for games, plans for practices, and working with the coaches and parent volunteers during games/practices to ensure stations are filled, kids are moving, equipment is at each game, etc. The head coach should attend all/most games and practices. The head coach should have baseball knowledge including being able to coach others (kids and adults). Interested volunteers must apply for this role and be approved by the Board.
Coach (x2)
Coaches take on whatever tasks the Head Coach/Manager assign. Coaches should have some baseball knowledge and should attend all/most of the games and practices. Interested volunteers must apply for this role and be approved by the Board.
Assistant Coach (x2)
Assistant coaches plan to attend 50%+ of the games/practices and will help with whatever tasks the Head Coach assigns.
Parent Volunteer (lots)
Parent volunteers complete a background check and help when they are available to be at games/practices.
Scorekeeper (x2)
The team scorekeepers track and report game information (pitchers, pitch counts, balls, strikes, runs, outs, innings and players). The "home" team scorekeeper is the "official scorekeeper for the game and tracks game information on iScore. The "visiting" team scorekeeper runs the score board and assists the home team scorekeeper with spotting and pitch counts. Scorekeepers from both teams share a dry booth with a great view of the field!
Umpire (x2)
RWLL only uses volunteer umpires, who can work their own team's games and/or games not involving their own team (and umpires self-assign to games using an online tool). Team umpires can be parents, siblings (at least 14 years old), grandparents or friends. RWLL and District 9 provide training in early-March and during the season. RWLL provides basic umpire equipment. Each team must contribute 20 games umpired during the season (combined total of all of the team's umpires). More information is <here>.
Field Prep Helper (x2)
The team field prep helpers prepare the field before games. Specific duties depend on the type of field (grass or turf). During the regular season, the "home" team is responsible for field prep. (During the tournament, both teams do the field prep.)
Preparation of Grass Fields: remove tarps; rake the dirt smooth; chalk the base lines and batter boxes; place bases. After the game, replace tarps and return the bases to storage.
Preparation of Turf Fields: place the pitcher's mound and bases. After the game, remove the mound and bases and return them to storage.
Technology Helper
The team technology helper assists the manager with activities related to the RWLL website and the SportsEngine app. This person also helps other parents when they have questions about the website or the app.
Team Events Coordinator
The team events coordinator is responsible for coordinating events for the team, specifically game day snacks, picture day, and Mariners day.
For snacks, the coordinator creates a schedule and coordinates sign-ups for team families to take turns bringing game snacks for the team. RWLL players *love* their snacks! :-)
For picture day, the coordinator communicates information to team families. When pictures are in, the coordinator picks them up from the league event coordinator and distributes them to team families.
For Mariners Day, the coordinator communicates RWLL Mariners day event information to team families. When tickets are available, the team coordinator picks the tickets up from the event coordinator and distributes them to team families.