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District 9 Field Rainout Lines | Redmond West Little League

Redmond Parks & Rec Field Rainout Information

Redmond Parks & Recreation RainoutLine information is also available as follows:
Phone: Rainout Line Phone #: 425-200-0076 (use extensions listed below for specific site)

Phone Applications: Download the app on your smartphone:

iPhone App:

Android App:

Or go to the app store and search for “ 2017.”


RainoutLine is updated by 3:00pm on weekdays, and 8:00am & throughout the day on weekends If RainoutLine has not updated assume that games/practices are on as scheduled.

Field Extension
Hartman #1 Ext 1#
Hartman #2 Ext 2#
Hartman #3 Ext 3#
Hartman #4 Ext 4#
Hartman #5 or 6 Ext 5#
Big Hartman (90')

Ext 6#

Perrigo #1 Ext 7#
Perrigo #2 Ext 8#
Grasslawn Softball/Soccer #2 Ext 10#
Grasslawn Softball #1 Ext 11#

Additional Rainout Lines