Many local employers offer a donation matching program that makes your volunteer time go farther in our community. Volunteer hours for coaching, umpiring, scorekeeping, field prep, Board membership and more can be turned into donations to Redmond West Little League. For instance, Microsoft match is $25 per hour volunteered. Please donate your volunteer hours today.
These donations help keep RWLL player registration fees lower than nearby leagues, help pay for the fields at Hartman Park, and help pay for new equipment.
Talk to your HR rep to find your matching funds procedure to submit your RWLL volunteer time. Please email for any questions.
Microsoft has made it easy to log your volunteer hours in less than 5 minutes:
Accenture, Adobe Systems, Alaska Airlines, Albertson's, Allstate, Amgen, Aon Corp., Avaya, Ball Corp, Boeing
Bank of America, BP, Chevron, Chicago Title, Citigroup, Coca-Cola, Costco, Ecolab
Eddie Bauer, Gates Foundation, Georgia Pacific, Honeywell, Macy's, Microsoft
Morgan Stanley, Nike, Office Depot, Oracle, Paccar, Pepsico, Philips, Puget Sound Energy,
Safeco, Siemens, Starbucks, State Farm Insurance, Sysco, Thomson Reuters, US Bank, Verizon, Wells Fargo, Weyerhaeuser
Does your company need to approve RWLL as a non-profit in their system? We can help with that! Please email with any questions.