The Registration "Baseball Programs | Redmond West Little League" is not currently available.
Redmond West Little League offers baseball for many age brackets by "league age". League age can be determined by using the age chart below. NOTE: Girls playing baseball must use the baseball age chart below to determine league age.
Redmond West Little League combines with other area Little Leagues for baseball programs at ages 13-16. This arrangement changes yearly depending on registrations and interest. Please contact us for more information at
Click below to register for 2025 Spring Baseball:
RWLL serves boys and girls from Audubon, Ben Rush, Clara Barton, Einstein, Horace Mann, Redmond and Rockwell Elementary Schools, plus Rose Hill Middle, Redmond Middle and Redmond High Schools. Our league also serves children who live within our boundaries (generally, the 98052 zip code), regardless of which school they attend.
Enter your address here to find your local Little League.
If your player played with RWLL last year, you may be able to register with us even if you do not currently meet our Residency requirements. If you are interested in this, please contact us for more information at
Player Age | Description | Fee |
4-5 |
Rookies Baseball |
$75 |
6-7 | A Baseball (coach-pitch) | $200 |
7*-8 |
AA Baseball (first level kid-pitch) *7 year-olds must have previously played coach-pitch baseball. |
$200 |
8*-12 | AAA, Coast, Majors (all kid-pitch)
*8 year-olds must contact the Player Agent to arrange tryout for AAA. |
$270 |
12-13 |
Intermediates Baseball 12 year-olds must play Majors and may optionally play Intermediates, as well. (Fee is $100 for second team.) 13 year-olds may play Intermediates or Juniors or both. (Fee is $100 for second team.) |
$340 |
13-14 |
Juniors Baseball 13 year-olds may play Intermediates or Juniors or both. (Fee is $100 for second team.) |
$340 |
15-16 | Seniors Baseball | $340 |
If you have questions or would like information about financial assistance, please contact the RWLL President at
RWLL charges a maximum of $500 per family. To be eligible for this discount, all players from the same family must be registered and paid using a single registration session.
Refunds will be issued upon timely request, subject to a $25 processing fee. Baseball and Softball AAA/Coast/Majors refund request deadline is February 1st. Baseball and Softball Intermediates/Juniors/Seniors refund request deadline is February 15th. Baseball and Softball A and AA refund request deadline is March 1st.
Rookie baseball introduces 4 & 5 year-olds to the fundamental rules and skills of baseball. Players will be introduced to hitting, throwing and catching mechanics in a safe and fun environment. In order to make games more lively, fun and confidence-boosting, whiffle baseballs and bats will be used. Players will still learn to hit regular weight SAFE-T / Tee Ball style baseballs during practices. Games are 3 innings in length and every player bats in each inning. No scores are kept during games.
Teams will meet once per week on Saturday mornings – up to a 2.0 hour total time commitment. The meetings will be a combined practice and game format for 6 weeks. The season will run from late-April through early-June.
The League provides parent volunteers with coaching practice plans, team baseball gear and team uniforms. The volunteer coaches receive training prior to the start of the season. Players will need to purchase a baseball glove, long-sleeved T-shirt, baseball pants, and athletic supporter (including cup) for boys. Baseball cleats (rubber) are recommended, but running shoes will suffice. The League provides all players and 3 coaches with a team hat and jersey. Your coach will recommend a coordinated color of pants to purchase.
Team parents are expected to help the coach with other important team volunteer duties like snack coordinator, bench coach, field prep, photo coordinator, and more.
Teams are generally organized by school, neighborhood and buddy requests, all of which is indicated during online registration process. It’s recommended that any buddy requests you make during registration are reciprocated by the buddy’s parents, so please coordinate with other parents prior to registration.
Single A (coach-pitch) baseball is for 6 and 7 year-olds, and continues the skill building that starts in Rookie baseball. Players will continue to develop individual hitting, throwing and catching mechanics in a safe and fun environment. In addition, they’ll start to learn more rules of the game, with more focus on base running and team fielding techniques. Games are 3 innings in length and every player bats in each inning. No scores are kept during games.
The League provides parent volunteers with coaching practice plans, team baseball gear, jerseys and hats for players and 3 coaches. Volunteer coaches receive training prior to the start of the season. Players will need to purchase a baseball glove, long-sleeved T-shirt, baseball pants, athletic supporter (including cup for boys), and socks. Baseball cleats (rubber) are recommended. Your coach will recommend a coordinated color of pants and socks to purchase.
Team parents are expected to help the coach with other important team volunteer duties like snack coordinator, bench coach, field prep, photo coordinator, and more. Teams are organized by school, neighborhood and buddy requests, all of which is indicated during online registration process. It’s recommended that any buddy requests you make during registration are reciprocated by the buddy’s parents, so please coordinate with other parents prior to registration.
The AA (coach + player pitch) baseball program is for 7 and 8 year-olds, and is a transitional level to AAA baseball. Players further develop their baseball skills, baseball IQ and sportsmanship in a safe and fun environment. Innings are limited to 3 outs or 4 runs scored, whichever comes first, and a maximum of 6 innings. Players will learn to pitch at practice in the first half of the season while coaches pitch to them in games, then the last 4-5 games of the season players will pitch to batters. In this division, players will be called out at the bases and can strikeout while batting. Scores are kept to track runs per inning, but wins-losses aren’t tracked.
Teams have 11-12 players, depending on the number of coach volunteers, and teams are organized by school, neighborhood and buddy requests, all of which parents indicate during the online registration process. Teams meet 2-3 times per week (a meeting is a practice or a game). Parents should expect a 5-hour time commitment per week.
Practice starts in mid-March and games start within 21 days. There are approximately 10 games in a season, and the season usually concludes with a baseball Jamboree in early June, where teams play each other in a tournament format.
The League provides parent volunteers with coaching practice plans, team baseball gear, jerseys and hats for players and 3 coaches. Volunteer coaches receive training prior to the start of the season. Players will need to purchase a baseball glove, long-sleeved T-shirt, baseball pants, athletic supporter (including cup for boys), and socks. Baseball cleats (rubber) are recommended. Your coach will recommend a coordinated color of pants and socks to purchase.
Team parents are expected to help the coach with other important team volunteer duties like snack coordinator, bench coach, score keeper, umpire, field prep, photo coordinator, and more.
Each year, a limited number of roster spots on AAA teams are opened to eligible players with a Little League Age of 8, based on demonstrated skill. Players with a Little League Age of 7 or younger are not eligible for AAA.
Eligibility: To be considered for AAA, the player must have played AA Baseball the previous Spring season. (The player's Summer Ball placement does not affect this determination.)
Other Things to be Aware of
Procedure to request AAA Consideration: 8 year-olds are placed in available AAA roster spots based on demonstrated skill. To request consideration for AAA placement, please follow these procedures:
1. Register for AA Baseball.
2. E-mail the Majors/Minors Baseball Player Agent, requesting a tryout for AAA.
3. Participate in the Majors/Minors Baseball player evaluations in January.
All players will be notified of their placement in AA or AAA. If selected for AAA, the RWLL Registrar will contact you to arrange payment of the registration fee increase.
AAA is the first program level that is 100% kid-pitch and includes players ages 9 and 10. AAA is an INSTRUCTIONAL division that intends to be inclusive and build a strong skills foundation in anticipation of introducing competition in our year end tournament and in subsequent baseball divisions.
Teams typically have 12 players and the teams are organized based on player evaluations. AAA is predominately 9 with select 8 and 10 year-olds. Teams meet two to four times per week (a meeting is a practice or a game). For 8 year-olds wanting to play AAA baseball, please see important note above.
There are approximately 16 games in a season. Practice starts in March and games start in April. Games are 6 innings in length with three outs per inning.
Players pitch a reduced impact force (RIF) baseball or softball. Base stealing is allowed. Score is kept and standings are kept.
Coast baseball is an introduction to competitive baseball but still maintains an instructional focus. Coast teams typically have 12 players and the teams are organized based on player evaluations. Coast is geared towards 10, 11, and 12 year-olds. Teams meet two to four times per week (a meeting is a practice or a game).
There are approximately 18-20 games in a season. Practice starts in March and games start in April. Games are 6 innings in length with three outs per inning.
Players pitch regulation Little League baseballs. Base stealing is allowed. Score is kept and standings are kept.
Majors baseball is the first fully competitive program in Little League.
Majors teams typically have 12 players and the teams are organized based on player evaluations. Majors is geared towards 11 and 12 year-olds. Teams meet about four times per week (a meeting is a practice or a game).
There are approximately 22 games in a season. Practice starts in March and games start in April. Games are 6 innings in length with three outs per inning.
Players pitch regulation Little League baseballs. Base stealing is allowed. Score is kept and standings are kept.
Evaluations are held to assist us in putting together balanced teams and placing players in the most appropriate division for them to learn and have a good experience.
Intermediates is for players ages 12-13 and is an excellent way to get exposure to traditional baseball rules (e.g., leading off, pick-off moves, etc.) while still playing on a smaller field (70’ bases and pitching from 50’). This is the next division of little league baseball after Majors.
Intermediate teams typically have 12-14 players and will likely include players from other leagues. Teams meet two to three times per week for games and practices.
Games are played against teams from all across District 9. There are 16-20 games per season with practices starting in early-March and games in early-April. Players have the option to try out for an “All Star” tournament team at the end of the regular season.
12 year-olds must play Majors and may optionally play Intermediates, as well.
13 year-olds may play Intermediates or Juniors or both.
Juniors teams typically have 12-14 players, and may include players from other area Little Leagues. Juniors Baseball is for 13 and 14 year-olds. Teams meet two to four times per week (a meeting is a practice or a game).
Games are played against teams from all over District 9. There are around 20 games in a season. Practice starts in early March and games start in late March or early April. Games are 7 innings in length.
This is players first opportunity to play on full size fields with more traditional baseball rules. Scores are kept and players have the opportunity to possibly continue playing as all stars in post season tournaments.
13 year-olds may play Intermediates or Juniors or both.
Seniors, for 15 and 16 year-olds, typically have 13-15 players per team. Teams meet two to four times per week (a meeting is a practice or a game).
There are around 20 games in a season. Practice starts in early March and games start in late March or early April. Games are 7 innings in length. Play continues on the full size fields. Scores are kept and players have the opportunity to possibly continue playing as all stars in post season tournaments.